Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Due Season

There have been many crazy things going on over here since my last post. And I will fill you all in ~ as I can.

Life has been moving right along ~ the good, the bad, and the ugly. The good ~ We are going to have a Christmas Lesson on Tuesday, December 1st at North Way Christian Community Church here in excited and getting all things planned out for that (more on this tomorrow). The bad ~ (not really bad...but hard for me) We are getting further ahead with the Non Profit "stuff" ~ it is like a foreign language to me...but our Great God and Saviour has been helping this simple girl push through the pain of it all. And alas, The ugly ~ so many dear people that I love have been going through some very tough trials.

Today, I want to share the ugly if I may. The roughness of life has slammed me in the face much death, disease and hardships going on around me and it all equals heartache for me. It is in these times that I get attacked ~ with insecurity.

They come in the form of whispers. "Hey ~ you should really stop all this doing and trying to can't help them all. You can't bless them, pray for them, speak scriptures to them, give them what they need right when they need it, you are not able to help. Just stop ~ God will use those who are better qualified." {These are the whispers in a nutshell...the real whispers are far more elusive than these.}

You see, I was really slammed with a lot of these kinds of whispers the past 2 days and then last night while weary physically and running on too little sleep ~ I thought on my own...God, I feel like I can't even help just one person ~ Is this really what I should be doing ~ Is this really Your will? I then asked for help, wisdom, direction, strength and sleep.

Today I got an email off of the Namesake Ministries website. A dear sister in Christ ~ hello CH ~ sent me an email and at the end thanked me for making her day. Oh my gravy!!! That was a word spoken in due season...even if she did not know it...Jesus used her to speak to me...there was the "one" to my question above. To hear this from someone I never met before...who lives in a different state...I was given so much encouragement from her words. God really used them to speak into my heart yet again about His strength, ability and will. He is such a loving Daddy.

I do not function on "just feedback"...but there are times when this human sista needs some feedback ~ I did last night and God blessed me rather quickly.

Please, if you feel like you should do something as simple as thanking someone for making your may only be simple to you. The person receiving that may need it far more than you could ever know.

A few scriptures for thought:

  • Proverbs 15:23 (NKJV) A man has joy by the answer of his mouth, and a word spoken in due season, how good it is!

  • Romans 14:19 (NKJV) Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.

He loves you so much sweet girls...keep your eyes on Him and do His will!

Love you ~ Laurie Kay

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