Thursday, May 28, 2009


Psalm 147:2-3 (Amplified Bible) The Lord is building up Jerusalem; He is gathering together the exiles of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds [curing their pains and their sorrows].

I have a few extended family members going through some very tough times right now. When I think of all the sorrow and pain that they are living in the above scripture comes to mind.

All I have to offer them is Jesus. He is the great physician of their spirits, souls and bodies. He knows them very well...He formed them in their mother's wombs and He sees their struggles.

Sadly, they do not know Him...and so I pray.

Father, in the precious name of Jesus I come before you and ask that you save their know them well and you are all they need. Please send more believers across their paths to speak your truth in love to them. Be their Savior, Deliverer and the name of Jesus...Amen.

All you dear sisters in Christ Jesus...spend some extra time tonight thanking your heavenly Father for calling you out of darkness and placing you in His kingdom ~ you are in a very blessed place.

If you are in a time of need, beloved, boldly go before your Father and ask for His help...He will heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds. He is with you...He sees your need and has His arms open wide for you to come to Him.

You are a daughter of the Most High God and He loves you so very much!!

Grace & peace be multiplied to you ~ Laurie Kay

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rachel's Comments on Miss Carrying You Seminar

The Lord has blessed my husband and I with three wonderful children. We had no trouble conceiving them and all three pregnancies went pretty well. I am healthy, under 40, and the possibility of miscarriage never crossed our minds when we went for number four. At week 10, we went for my initial OB visit and were slightly concerned that we couldn’t hear a heartbeat. However, we were told that is very common early on and that I was definitely pregnant. However, one week later, I began spotting. A quick visit back to the OB had me scheduled for an immediate ultrasound where I was told that my baby did not have a heartbeat and was only developed to about 8 weeks. The next day, I lost the baby on my own at home. My hormones have returned to normal on their own within 3 weeks. I didn’t need a D&C. I have a strong faith, a wonderfully supportive husband and family. The entire family, including our children, have done a lot of healthy grieving and our view of heaven is now even more beautiful than before. We have a precious child waiting for us in heaven.

When I heard about Laurie Kay’s seminar, my heart wanted to go, but I was afraid. Who else would be there? I know that many women miscarry before they have any children. I know that some women lose babies to still-birth…after they’ve felt those precious kicks. I know that there are cases where the aftermath of miscarriage can be much more complicated. I felt that compared to their situations, I had it pretty good. However, I was grieving just the same, and my husband encouraged me to attend.

I was so glad that I did. Laurie did not have us share our stories or raise our hands to classify us. In fact, I can’t even tell you how many people were there or what any of them looked like. Laurie Kay talked from her heart and pointed us to the promises of Jesus. Even though much of what she shared was a re-affirmation of things I already knew, they were things that I needed to hear…out loud…over and over…and I needed to hear those promises…applied to me…in this specific situation. Laurie Kay made me feel comfortable and had the ability to address tender topics while keeping the atmosphere from being too depressing. However, it was perfectly okay to cry too…and there were plenty of tissues available.

Regardless of the circumstances of your child loss, I highly recommend that you attend Laurie’s seminar, if you have the chance. You can go in anonymous and leave anonymous if you choose, or you can get the hugs and prayers that you may desperately need from someone who knows how it feels to lose a child. No matter what, you will not leave without insightful wisdom and hope that will carry you through your grieving to a place where you can stand up and smile again.

- Rachel

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Miss Carrying You Seminar ~ # 2

Today I wanted to share some more things about the Seminar.

Yesterday I told you that as I was talking things were popping in my mind...this may sound strange to some of you and so I wanted to elaborate for a moment. As I said yesterday, it was as if I was outside looking in ~ as if it is wasn't me speaking but someone else. I was speaking and not missing a beat in my thought and suddenly something would pop in my mind about one of the the gal who reflected the beauty of the Lord...but I kept speaking and did not stop ~ I was doing 2 things at once. Crazy...I know...and those were little gems from the Lord, special memories for me and they are also things for me to pray about for each of these dear women who attended.

I have one nugget for each of them and prayers...I will share with you only one example...for space sake. And so for the young lady about the beauty...I am praying the following for her:
  • That the realization of who she is in Christ Jesus will deepen and strengthen.
  • That she grows in the understanding of how much He loves her.
  • I also believe that He will use her to sow hope and love into other dear ladies...and so I pray that the Holy Spirit prepares her for this.
  • Then that others would be drawn to her to want to know this Jesus as they see the beauty of the Lord in her and her great love for Him.

Why in the world are you praying those things for her Laurie Kay...I do not know exactly...I just feel lead to.

So many things happened that morning, some of their prayer requests answered. And some things that they did not want to express were touched on. I was so blessed to be able to talk to a few of the ladies afterward...I wished that I could speak to them each and hear their stories ~ and then be able to better pray for them and their loved ones.

Some of the things that were shared with me flat out humbled me. I believe with all my heart that He will comfort their hearts and strengthen their spirits. That He will come by them and be their strong tower and refuge.

To you dear ladies who were at the Seminar ~ I will continue to pray for you. I am so grateful for the time we spent together and for you being so brave and courageous to step out and seek Him for healing and restoration. Daddy loves you so much and so do I ~ Laurie Kay

For you other ladies reading this...what do you need healing or restoration the Lord...He is your strong tower as well...and oh my gravy, He loves you so much too!!!

Really...He does...blessings to you dear sisters in Christ...and lots of love ~ Laurie Kay

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Miss Carrying You Seminar ~ # 1

What happened May 2, 2009...God came down and loved on His daughters.

I saw it with my own two eyes...I heard it with my ears...and I felt it at the core of my soul.

He met each one...right where they needed Him. During a deep, dark sorrow...He sowed hope and courage...and one eternal life.

Going into the Seminar, I was not sure what exactly to expect. The topic is a toughie...and I never publicly spoke about it. I was armed with what I felt the Lord wanted me to say and a desire to obey Him.

I had a few butterflies from the great computer crash of Tuesday...but other than that when it was time to start I was pumped up and excited. I had peace that it was all in His hands and He was leading what I should share and He would make sure all the details were ironed out smoothly.

The idea that God loved them passionately, fervently burned in me and drove me to want to share and get right to it. I was so excited that it was difficult to follow my notes in the 1st half...and I was surprised to learn that I had indeed followed them!

In the 2nd half I felt like I was dragging on and moving in a super slow motion...and so I thought we would finish late...I looked up at the clock and we stopped right on the was crazy to me. It was as if I was watching someone else speak and it wasn't me.

A million things were running through my mind...I looked right into the one gals face who was in the first row and as I was speaking I remember thinking, "She is just gorgeous! She definitely has a glow about can tell this is a daughter of the King...and she is in love with Him!" I was talking about something else right then and it had nothing to do with love or appearance...but that popped into my mind and I will never forget it!

I know that there were some things left out of our time together...and they were asked about afterward by the ladies who attended...what astounds me is that they are covered in the workbook! God orchestrated the talk and the book to work and fit well together. There were so many things I wanted to write in the workbook, but felt that they were not to be in there. They were in our LIVE time together.

Well, I talked your ear off enough for tonight...more to say another day!

Jesus loves you my dear sisters ~ and so do I ~ Laurie Kay

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Technology is my friend...maybe!

Technology is my the saying goes...but is it really?

I say...maybe!

I love the way I can go online and find things and do research faster. I love email, I can send out info to a mass amount of people all at the same time...totally groovy...don't you think?

I do not like how sensitive computers can be. Mine crashed at the most inopportune time...Tuesday April 28th. I didn't have my notes printed out to go over for the Seminar that was happening on May 2nd.


I had to rewrite it from memory and by hand...totally old-school! At first it was frustrating...and then I thought this will be a great way to make sure I can follow the timing and flow of things. It proved to be a great blessing in disguise. {I will write about the Seminar tomorrow...but, I wanted to let you know where I have been since the last post.}

My computer is not up to par yet...and so I am sharing my teenagers laptop...and I can't use it whenever I want as he uses it a lot for his homework.

This whole experience caused me to see how much I have come to rely on my little box...I missed using it...the speed in writing and the ability to read and understand what was written instead of some interesting chicken scratch! It really is a useful tool when it works.

I have had many emails from some dear sisters saying that I need to update the home and the events pages...and I will...I just can't access that right now on my son's laptop...please bear with me.

Have you ever had something crazy like this happen to you, that you thought it was so important and found it to be not working and then this experience be the best thing that could have happened? Please comment this post and share your story with us.

It is so good to be a child of God...I pray your day is blessed in Him, beloved!

Jesus Loves you ~ Laurie Kay

Romans 8:28 (AMP) We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.