Thursday, March 31, 2011

extreme saving

saturday i went to an extreme coupon class & i was wicked excited about it and have been talking non-stop to anyone/everyone  i see!!

o my gravy!!! where to begin??, this class was a total God-given gift to me ~ i said to myself one day last week "there has to be a way for me to save more money on our food" see ~ i want to make home improvements n such, but i don't want to go over in my budget.

i read many books & followed many websites, but i needed to see with my own eyes "live examples". i am a visual learner. i know i'm not stupid ~ i had all A+'s throughout my school career ~ so why couldn't i save more money a month on our food & household items??

well, just like Daddy ~ 2 days later my girlfriend MR posts on fb about the class. {gLoRy B 2 GoD!} i didn't blink or ask my man if i could go. i just responded count me in & can we carpool?? then, i went and told my hubby about it and "officially" asked. i believe in submitting to my husband like it says in ephesians 5:22 & colossians 3:18 ~ so if he needed me to be home for anything, i would have backed out. well, PrAiSe GoD!!! my hubby likes to save money.

so i went.

andria alexander was her name and simply frugal living is her aim!!   on that you can quote me! dude she knows her stuff. i was on the edge of my seat listening/laughing/learning & getting diZZy!!! o my stars ~ she covered everything you need to know to shop financially smarter. "every" thing!!

i have a new best friend & a stalker i will be *kidding ~ on the stalking* i spent almost 2 hours with her this morning and i gotta tell you ~ she has a heart to save you money all for the glory to God. she has a heart for women. and she loves Jesus & o, i love that!!!!

sistas ~ she is organized, knowledgeable, patient, & compassionate ~ must i go on here!!??!!

r u interested or curious yet???

then go check out her site ~ ~ it is jam packed {like how you have to properly measure brown sugar~ that kind of packed}. there are sooo many common sense-frugal-simple tips for living. and let me tell you ~ not living like a beggar but living well or as she says "extravagantly"! o & she is also on fb. so go on there and "like" simply frugal living

she will be having more classes & trust me, you will want to be there. i will keep you posted here and on fb about dates & times.

happy extreme saving & God bless you sistas ~ laurie kay
ps ~ i learned soo much that to start writing what i learned i would end up writing you all a book. sooo, hope i didn't disappoint ya & if i did ~ hugs to you & i'm sorry 


  1. O my stars I love & miss u so much laurie kay! :D I can't wait for Andria's next class! I wanted to go to the last one & couldn't make it but I've been 'studying' her website & made my first attempt, using my new-found-knowledge, yesterday! It was a hilarious fiasco but I will try, try again! Randy threw away my red plum & P&G coupon flier last night & I had to dig them out of the trash! LOL! This couponing stuff is like a game & I love games! And I hate losing! ;)

  2. i miss u 2 cosmo!!!

    i love that u dug them out of the trash ~ that is some dedication sista

    any money saved is a win ~ keep at it friend
