Friday, December 10, 2010

Merry Christmas ~ Day 8

December 8

Today we are doing something a little different. We’ve covered so many things on this journey together that I think it would be greatly beneficial to go back and do a review. So, today we are having a Selah Day! For us girls, a Selah Day is a holy pause where we intentionally stop, reflect, and meditate on His Word. Please take as much time as you can to go and reread each Day. You can read just the scriptures that we looked at, or read the whole BLOG for that Day.

Don’t skip over today. Yes, this is a busy time of year for all of us but taking a Selah Day can yield great profit for your inner man.

It is very helpful to take this time and allow it to be a checking point for you…how are you doing with applying what you are learning to your life? How is the stress level in your daily life? Are you finding yourself talking more with God and listening to what He is trying to tell you as you go about your days? Are you being revived and blessed in Him?

Spend some time in prayer with God ~ thank Him for all the things you have learned, and seek Him about how you answered your check point questions. Ask Him for the help you need…He is a good Daddy and wants to help you and lead you in the way you should go.

Enjoy this new day in Him!

Merry Christmas ~ Laurie Kay

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