The Lord has blessed my husband and I with three wonderful children. We had no trouble conceiving them and all three pregnancies went pretty well. I am healthy, under 40, and the possibility of miscarriage never crossed our minds when we went for number four. At week 10, we went for my initial OB visit and were slightly concerned that we couldn’t hear a heartbeat. However, we were told that is very common early on and that I was definitely pregnant. However, one week later, I began spotting. A quick visit back to the OB had me scheduled for an immediate ultrasound where I was told that my baby did not have a heartbeat and was only developed to about 8 weeks. The next day, I lost the baby on my own at home. My hormones have returned to normal on their own within 3 weeks. I didn’t need a D&C. I have a strong faith, a wonderfully supportive husband and family. The entire family, including our children, have done a lot of healthy grieving and our view of heaven is now even more beautiful than before. We have a precious child waiting for us in heaven.
When I heard about Laurie Kay’s seminar, my heart wanted to go, but I was afraid. Who else would be there? I know that many women miscarry before they have any children. I know that some women lose babies to still-birth…after they’ve felt those precious kicks. I know that there are cases where the aftermath of miscarriage can be much more complicated. I felt that compared to their situations, I had it pretty good. However, I was grieving just the same, and my husband encouraged me to attend.
I was so glad that I did. Laurie did not have us share our stories or raise our hands to classify us. In fact, I can’t even tell you how many people were there or what any of them looked like. Laurie Kay talked from her heart and pointed us to the promises of Jesus. Even though much of what she shared was a re-affirmation of things I already knew, they were things that I needed to hear…out loud…over and over…and I needed to hear those promises…applied to me…in this specific situation. Laurie Kay made me feel comfortable and had the ability to address tender topics while keeping the atmosphere from being too depressing. However, it was perfectly okay to cry too…and there were plenty of tissues available.
Regardless of the circumstances of your child loss, I highly recommend that you attend Laurie’s seminar, if you have the chance. You can go in anonymous and leave anonymous if you choose, or you can get the hugs and prayers that you may desperately need from someone who knows how it feels to lose a child. No matter what, you will not leave without insightful wisdom and hope that will carry you through your grieving to a place where you can stand up and smile again.
- Rachel
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