Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Baby's Here!! Let's Rejoice!!

Don't you just love those words???

It's like hearing...she said yes!

I am so thrilled...I woke up this morning with my hubby saying...Gabriella Faith is here! And I woke right up!

My sweet sister in Christ Jesus just had her baby girl last night...she is her first child and I have been checking out her and her husband's blog like mad to hear when she was here...and here she came and I found out through my man...what a sweet surprise and a fun way to find out. Ya know, I may not even need coffee today...I am flying on PURE BLISS right now!

Leah & Brad...I am so very excited for you two to finally have the chance to hold the "small pumpkin" in your arms! We have been praying for you and can't wait for the chance to meet her in person...the children all said, "yeah!!". Grace and peace to you both and savor each moment! I love you!! Jesus loves you!

Bliss...oh, bliss it is. I just love when my sistas get the baby they have been waiting for ~ birthed and adopted, the good news they have been seeking the Lord about instead of more bad, the answers to prayers, the deliverance from God that they so desperately needed and on and on...I love when our Daddy comes through for us! Oh, and He always does!!

He is so amazing and so timely. Think about this scripture with me...

Romans 12:15 (NKJV) Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.

Sometimes it is so easy to weep with our loved ones when they are weeping...but how are we doing with the rejoicing?? I was convicted of this a few years ago when my girlfriend told me she was carrying twins...I was very excited for her and then I walked away and sobbed like a baby.

I had miscarried twins many years before and it was a little hard to hear that she was having healthy babies. I desired to have multiples at an early age...and mine were gone. I spent a good 2 days of mourning again...and felt the Lord come down and love on me while correcting me to rejoice ~ for real ~ with my friend. This is not a request it is a command...it is written in the Bible for us to know how we as believers need to live. And oh, the blessing there is in that ~ hard at the moment...but so blessed.

I learned a lot then about true rejoicing. It is OK to have your moments of tears and heartache...it is OK to ask the tough questions...but the time comes where we have to rise and dust off and rejoice. We must. If we do not, then we are leaving a large door open for the enemy of our soul to come in and make a mess. He does not want you to live a life of full trust and surrender to your King...rather he would like to see you so downcast and beaten that you doubt your Father's love for you.

Stand up and say NO MORE! Your Father loves you so much...YOU!! Do not doubt this...rather cast all doubts at His feet and seek Him for help. Help He will...that is a promise from His Holy Word...Psalm 46:1 (NKJV) God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Hebrews 4:16 (NKJV) Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Go to Him, beloved ~ He loves you sooo much ~ and rejoice.

All my love & joy ~ Laurie Kay

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Salvation ~ Let's pray!

Salvation belongs to the Lord!

Our God is great and greatly to be praised!!!

Today, I got to be apart of something amazing! My mom recommitted her life to Jesus today on the phone with me...God is so good! She knew Him as a young lady and then let life's heartaches and troubles drift her away...she felt Him nudging her back at a recent funeral of a relative.

Mom if you are reading this...Jesus loves you soo much! There is much rejoicing in your return to Him...the angels in heaven rejoice when someone comes to the Lord...and I gotta believe when a child returns home...the prodigals son speaks greatly about the father's joy in his son's return home...that has to be such a small glimpse of God your heavenly Father's joy in your return.

I want any of you dear sistas in Jesus to comment on this blog post your prayer request for your loved ones who need to know Jesus or return home to Him.

I will be praying for them and I know of other dear sisters who read the blog regularly who will be praying as well!!

His arms are open for them girls...no matter what state they are in currently...they are open wide and He bids them come...come to life and love!!

He loves you greatly and them ~ Laurie Kay

I will be commenting as well!!


The ROAR was loud and sweet to my soul.

I blogged about the worship the other day and mentioned "the ROAR" that the women made during our worship times...ROAR they did!

I have always been a Titanic fan...weird word choice I know but my other options are maniac and nut!!! SO...I am going with fan. I was intrigued with what happened since I first learned that it was found in 1985--I was 13 at the time and in 9th grade.

I have many books on the subject and many of the different movies that have been made.

I love reading accounts from survivors what it was like for them and what their life was like after. I also love hearing about those who perished and what they were like--what can be found or shared about them before their death...it is a small way to honor their lives...small I know...but what can I do right now...maybe something later...my mind is always reeling with options and opinions about this. :o)

So...back to the ROAR...I read an account once about a survivor who went to her first football game after the sinking and the cheer from the crowd was so hard for her to bear that she had to cover her ears and leave. She said that it sounded like the cries from those in the water needing rescued.

The cheer, cries and ROAR are crazy to me. CRAZY!! To think all those souls were crying out for rescue their voices being a loud chorus and then to experience worship of about 6,000 women crying out to the Lord for rescue, help, and to admire Him.

Soo many of the women there were facing deep sorrow and pains of their own...I read on Beth's blog that some of the women there were in the midst of mourning a loved one. Many women stood up at one point on behalf of a loved one facing a terminal illness like cancer...seeking God for healing or rescue from their disease.

He is our life boat...He is our life and the length of our days.

Deuteronomy 30:19- 20 (NKJV) I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them."

If you have not yet chosen life...choose life ~ love the LORD your God ~ obey His voice ~ cling to Him ~ and He will be your life and the length of your days.

If you have chosen Him then Praise Him today, beloved, that you are His ~ that He loves you ~ that He is your rescuer...Oh, how He loves you...Oh, how He loves me...Oh, how He loves you and me!

Much love to you ~ Laurie Kay

Thursday, June 18, 2009

BM ~ The Worship!


I was so very excited to be going to the Live event...the biggest thing I was looking forward to was worshipping in a room full of mostly women.

You gotta love the Pittsburgh Manly Men who attended!! Thanks for coming...please don't be offended by what I share...it's just me :o)


I prefer to listen to women singing most of the time...I have been told many times that I am crazy...well, I'm not...exactly...it's just every now and then I get in the mood for just female voices in my head...I am comfortable with them ~ as I hear mine all the time :o) HA HA HA!!!

This was my 3rd time attending a Live Christian Event...the other 2 were Women of Faith ~ both were at the Mellon Arena. I was floored back then to hear just females singing and that is what got me so excited to experience it again.

How can I put into words what it was like for someone who has never experienced it before? Let me try...

It seems that everyone who came was in the mind to praise and then to hear from the Lord. Like all were hungry for a time of being with their King!

They had the words on the jumbo screens, so, if you did not know them you could still sing...and there were a few songs that I did not know and it was easy to follow the words and still praise.

There were many songs that the Worship team would stop singing and let just the attendees sing...AMAZING! The women ROARED their praise to God Most High! (More on the ROAR in a later Post)

There were women lifting hands...women holding hands and the other hand extended toward Heaven. There were hugs...tears...shouting...crying...jumping...and laughing.

I was crawling out of my skin!!!! It was BLESSED INDEED! It was such a blessing to me...as it felt like God gave me a glimpse of what worship will be like around His Throne in Heaven. Loud, sweet to the soul and all for Him.

Let's worship Him sisters...in spirit and in truth...for HE IS WORTHY!!

He loves you so much & so do I ~ Laurie Kay

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

BM ~ The Sistas!

OK...where to begin...It was way more blessed than I expected!!

I was going with the whole intention of getting strength from Jesus...adoring Him with some sistas...and being encouraged. What I got was sooo much more.

Today I am going to focus on the sistas part.

My home church is very big...but so homey and small feeling. We have 3 services...1 on Saturday night and 2 Sunday morning. My family attends Saturday night ~ so we can attend as a family, because my husband works there as the IT Director and needs to work on Sundays since hardly anyone is there and he can shut things down and "stuff I don't understand" while everyone is away so they can come in during the week and work efficiently!

With that said...I don't get to see everyone that I know and love. Soo...to my joy and delight I got to see so many sweet sistas at the event!!! It was so much fun bumping (literally) into them...or yelling across the bathroom..."yippee, MN is in the house" and then having a few more girls pop out there heads and say, "hi, I thought that was your voice"...I can be so quiet can you tell!!! :o)

To all the sistas at the event...I am so glad to have you as friends...what a time of encouragement we received from the Lord. It was so sweet to me to be able to run into you at the event and sat hi...it really was a joy and a delight...those are the only words I can think of to describe it!

To my sistas who could not make it...I am so sorry for not being able to see you there...but you were where you needed to be and that is good too!!

To all the NEW sistas I made at the event...hello!!! I can't wait to get to know you better. All the clan with SK...WHOO HOO!! All the gals from OHIO...thanks for hanging in the Burgh!! The older lady who spoke sweetness to me...dude you melted my heart! All the ones around us who I had to apologize ahead of time that I will be praising Him...loudly!!! Hello and I hope your ears are healed by now. (more on this when I talk about the WORSHIP.)

It was truly amazing to be in a room filled with girls, ladies, women ~ sistas who love THE KING!!! I have so many memories swirling around in my head...like calling LJ, AS, AK to see where you were sitting and yelling & waving hi!! Looking up to see JL ~ the tall gorgeous daughter of the Most High God coming down the steps and scaring her by saying hi...and scaring KC by saying hi to her and Diana and Diane from Ohio...gee...I scared a few friends...I am so sorry for that...but your faces were priceless when you realized it was me and we hugged! Thanks for forgiving me!!

It was so good to bump into AS, RH, HK, BE, CP, BA, JR, KR, VR, and on and on and on and on...so I am going to stop before this is 10 pages long!!

Thank you AW, KR, BF, SV for taking me and all that encompassed!

I love you ladies and thank Jesus that I get to walk this life journey with you and then spend eternity together praising!!

Enjoy your day ~ He loves you sooo much!
Laurie Kay

Friday, June 12, 2009

Beth Moore is in the Burgh!

I am so excited!!

I am about to leave my house to head downtown for the Beth Moore LIVE Event!

I will tell you all about it later...maybe Monday :o) It is tonight and tomorrow morning and have I told you that I am excited??!!??

Well, I am...I love when there is a room full of women who have come together to hear from the Lord!! I heard there are going to be A LOT of women there!!! I am so filled with JOY that we will be praising our God together...to hear all those FEMALE voices...I love it!

I will be praying for you Beth...open your mouth and boldly proclaim His truths...I also pray that we women in attendance have ears to hear and strength to then go and do!!

Jesus loves you sisters ~ Laurie Kay

Monday, June 8, 2009

Jody's Comments on Miss Carrying You Seminar

I went into the seminar thinking that I really didn't need too much out of it and I actually felt very out of place when I heard how all the other women had fresh miscarriages and my own was 2 years ago. But, as the seminar started I just felt it releasing so many feelings that I had not necessarily dealt with.

I felt very alone in my miscarriage because it didn't affect my husband and the rest of my family the way it had affected me. I felt that nobody was mourning the death of my baby and that hurt me.

The Miss Carrying You Seminar helped me realize that I had God going through my miscarriage with me and that I was never alone. I also realized that he is loving my little baby.

Thank you so much!!!

I also feel that I am now armed with great scriptures and strength to help other women who I may come across going through this same situation.

~ Jody

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Autism Walk & The Safety Sleeper!

I did it yippee!!

My girlfriend told me about an Autism Walk in my hometown in Central PA ~ and I had to do it with her...but mainly as a support to her. This is the Annual Autism Speaks Walk and it was a blast!! Thank you RM, JB, & DS for making the trip over & walking with me ~ you are such sweet girls & I love ya!

It was approximately 3 miles around the field at the Blair County Ballpark ~ home of the Altoona Curve team. Go Curve & thanks for hosting this event!

My sweet girlfriend has a son with Autism and he was having a crazy time sleeping safely at night and so she designed a bed called The Safety Sleeper. And it has been amazing for him. Glory be to God! Now she has a website to get the word out that there can be safe sleeping for young children who are getting out of their beds when they should not...it is not just for Autistic children...rather for any child that needs to be safely tucked in at night and can't get out of bed to get into anything and possibly get hurt. Sleep Right, Sleep Tight, Sleep All Night.

If you or a loved one needs this kind of peace of mind then check out her website...it has so much info.

God bless you Rose...thank you for heeding His call to get the word out and be a help to so many families! He has lead you to this point and will continue to do so...keep your eyes on Jesus and praise Him! Remember...Psalm 23:3b (NKJV) He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake.

Enjoy your day sweet sisters...Jesus loves you so very much!! ~ Laurie Kay

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sista Friends ~ Show me the love!

I have been walking with some girlfriends on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. We walk for a 1/2 hour and then we do a full body weight workout and then walk about 12 min back to our cars...kids in strollers, and dogs on leashes for the walking and playing at the playground during the weights.

This has been such a blessed time! My children love the play time and I am getting some exercise.

I am thankful for these sista friends getting there and walking with me...it is so motivating knowing that I will not have to workout alone. Thank you girls ~ (AK, KK, JG, TL, MT) ~ I love ya!!

You know...the best thing is that I am the last one in the walking line (me and my double stroller) and they do circles to come back to me so I will not be alone...now that is love!!

You sweet girls make me think of a very important scripture...

1 John 3:18 (NKJV) My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

They do not just tell me that they love me ~ they show it. Now this is a small way in which these girls show me their love...but it means soo much to me. They have said to me that it is nothing and it is great for them to get some extra mileage...but to me it means the world...I am not alone!

I will Blog about these sistas again at some other times...they have showed their love to me and others in soo many other ways. Ways that are noteworthy and inspiring.

So, with what these sistas are doing for me...think about something that may be small that you can do for someone else...small to you, but huge to them. Like...run around the house with your children, color with them on the sidewalk with chalk, take out the trash for your husband, get your neighbor her weekly paper, and anything else you can think of for the people you love and care about.

Let's be sistas who show their love...He has shown His to us...Blessed be His name!

Love you ~ Laurie Kay

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Extol the Lord!


I woke up today with my heart overflowing with Thanksgiving! I am so thankful to be alive and healthy...that my husband & children are healthy...that we know the Lord...and are known by Him...that He is our strong tower and safe refuge...that He will never leave nor forsake us...oh my stars, I could go on and on and on...but that is what our Bibles are for ~ they remind us of who we are in Him ~ of His great love for us and of His provision!

Thank you Lord, for the ability to have your Word to read and for giving us Your precious Holy Spirit to help us understand what we are reading. Thank you for leading and guiding us into all truth!

I have a few songs rolling around in my mind...ones a dear friend wrote...ones that you would not know as they have not been made into a CD...but they are catchy little numbers greatly infused with scripture...and oh, so encouraging to my spirit. Can you think of some songs like that...Praise songs that are all about Him...they are just like you saying, "I love you", or "You are worthy"?

Spend time praising Him today...check out this scripture...

Psalm 68:3-4 (NIV) But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful. Sing to God, sing praise to his name, extol him who rides on the clouds - his name is the LORD - and rejoice before him.

Be glad in Him, beloved. He is the LORD! Extol (praise highly, or glorify) Him!

Be purposeful in praising Him...when things are rolling along greatly, when trouble is all around you, when you are stuck and feel there is no way out, when you are so overwhelmed with grief that you can't lift your head, when you are prospered, when you are healthy, and every other season of life.

Let's be a group of sisters who lift up our hearts in praise to our God ~ always and in all ways. He is our all in all...He is the LORD!

He loves you sweet sister ~ extol Him!
Laurie Kay